Saturday, October 20, 2012

One of the Best Sandwiches Ever Created

I was glancing over a few of my previous posts today to realize i had yet to write about what is one of the best sandwiches I have ever had the joy of devouring so here it goes.

Back in January 2011 I had to travel to Puerto Rico for a friends funeral. For those if you who haven't yet had the pleasure of visiting the gateway to the Caribbean I highly recommend doing so.

I already had learned years ago that those from Puerto Rico are fiercely proud of ttheir culture ad history and all they have to offer, and rightfully so. I challenge anyone to find a people more friendly, welcoming and engaging than those I met on the island of Puerto Rico. I did have an advantage however in that I was traveling and staying with natives of this island jewel and not just playing tourist.

My friends father was intent in ensuring I saw anything and everything I wished while there, so I asked if we could grab a bite at El Churry, a chow wagon that sets up at Isla Verde & Calle Jupiter in the Carolina area of San Juan a few minutes walk from the beach. The truck itself usually arrives around 6p and opens for business close to 7p with a dozen or so customers sitting at the handful of picnic tables set up on the asphalt lot ready and waiting to place orders. From what I could tell, there is a steady stream of customers throughout the night until they close shop around 3 or 4 in the morning.

The signature sandwich at El Churry is the MIXTO. This is a combination of grilled skirt steak and chicken which is marinaded for two days with a secret house salad along with potato sticks in a sweet pita style bread do yourself a favor and spend the extra dollar for the bacon.

The first bite takes you to a virtual food shambala as an explosion of unbelievable flavored entertain your taste buds. He rest is just sheer joy. As matter of fact this sandwich is so delectably delicious that when you finding you are all at once sad that it is gone and happy that all you need do is go order another. Gluttonous, yes but worth it.

I was so take. With the MIXTO that I would willingly spend the $600 round trip airfare to get to San Juan jut to dine on the MIXTO at El Churry again. The simple fact that PiƱones Beach is a short walk away is a bonus. As you've probably already figured, the MIXTO and El Churry both get my "Jeff Approved" rating.

As always my friends, Eat Like A Local!

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